Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here it is..

The crafty update.

The letters turned out better than I hoped.  I really love them.  I love that they are masculine and feminine, I love that they are different, yet the same, I love everything about them.  I can't wait to get them up on the wall.  For now though, here is the finished products.

Sorry for the lighting..I was in the dining room at night working on them.  Don't you love the ribbon?  It matches perfect too, with the whole "modern-vintage" I am trying to achieve.  It is basically a chocolate and cream damask print. 

The other crafty thing I have been up to is working on the kids play room.  I didn't want to hang anything since we found out about hubby losing his job, in case we move, but I figured, I have this stuff, and I want to put it up!  Here is a little before photo (ignore the mess) of one wall that I did some changes to:
Here is the after:
Right now I have his Disney movies in the big shelf, some cute blocks that spell out "fish" in the little one, and have NO clue what to put in the middle one.  I was going to put Mr. Potato Head, but he was a little tiny bit too big.  Maybe books?  But I have all the books together.  Who knows..shoot me some ideas!

Here is the big wall before (had absolutely nothing on it):
Here it is now:
Love it!  The pictures are from the other wall, obviously, and the cork board is genius!  It is just cork on contact paper, and stuck on the wall.  I used construction paper to cut out the design for the bottom.  The purpose of the cork has been bugging me for a while.  It was one of the reasons I hadn't put it up yet.  I mentioned here that I was going to do some ABC's on the wall.  Well since then, Kaleb has learned his ABC's.  I know it's still a good idea, but I really wanted to make use of it for something that he could learn.  He also knows how to count to ten, but he is having a hard time learning his shapes and colors.  I am thinking I will make big shapes out of construction paper so I can write things like "red circle" underneath it.  I have plenty of construction paper so it's just a matter of getting it done..but that's probably what I will end up doing.  I'll make sure to use thumbtacks so I can take it off when he's ready to learn something new.

So, that's what I have been up to.  Arts and crafts almost every single night for the past week or so.  It was nice to do, it calms my nerves.  I don't really have anything else to do, other than the design for the cork board, so I think I'll just relax for a couple of nights.

Someone..somewhere..have a glass of wine for me tonight!

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