10. The Family Stone
A lot of people haven't heard of this movie. It has a lot of great actors in it..Diane Keaton, Sarah Jessica Parker, Rachel McAdams, one of the Wilson brothers, I think Luke, Claire Danes, the guy from Coach..It's about a family at Christmas time. It reminds me of real life people. It has a really intense dinner table scene and a but of a surprise ending. It's a really great movie.
09. Dodgeball
I forgot how much I really loved this movie until the other day when Blockbuster was having a 4 for 20 sale and Roland bought it. OMG. Hilarious. I love to laugh, and I love, love, LOVE, Vince Vaughn. Favorite quote: "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball". LOL!
08. Titantic
I can't think of a single reason it shouldn't be on my list. If any movie can make me sit down for four hours, every time, it belongs here. Has anyone NOT seen this movie?
07. The Green Mile
Roland makes (yes, he seriously makes) me watch a lot of movies. Movies that I sit down knowing I am going to hate, and two hours later, I am either so grateful to him for showing me something that I wouldn't have seen otherwise, or....not talking to him. The Green Mile is amazing. I don't have any other words for it, other than amazing.
06. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
I loathe Angelina Jolie. Wearing blood in a vile around your neck makes you crazy. That kind of crazy doesn't go away just because you are a home-wrecker and had five (or six..) kids with Brad Pitt. But...I LOVE this movie. I think it's pretty funny and considering I can't stand either one of the lead actors, it's got to pretty okay to hold my attention.
05. Twilight
Oh, you know..because everyone has a 14 year old teenage girl deep inside! (i love Edward Cullen!) But really, I thought it was a good movie. Can't wait for New Moon next month!
04. The Time Traveler's Wife
I read this book because the movie was scheduled to come out and it looked like something I would like. I did enjoy the book more than the movie, but only because it was able to give more detail and storyline. Just the fact that she loved him enough to stay with him, even when he couldn't stay with her, is amazing.
03. Pretty Woman
Okay, why not? You don't have a reason do you? That's what I thought..
02. The Notebook
When I first saw this movie I was in possibly the worst relationship of my life. He told me to stop watching movies like that because "real life doesn't happen like that". Well good thing that didn't work out! I love this movie because it's the only "chick flick" that Roland will watch with me on a regular basis. Some nights, he even puts it on. It's an amazing love story...and it's nice to watch it with someone who feels the same way.
I could watch this movie every day for the rest of my life. I have it memorized..the soundtrack is memorized...I know which song comes on at what part of the movie...it's just my favorite movie ever. Julia Roberts is my favorite actress, and this is my favorite movie of hers. I only have it on VHS though...might need to step it up a notch and get the DVD!

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