Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life Lately

It is only October 7 and I can already feel the madness that is our life from September through December.

Thankfully, Halloween might as well be done. I have the costume, the treat bag is complete (I made it for those of you wondering why that was a task at hand), the goodie bags for Kaleb and Julius I made are done, and the decorations are up. Why do I still feel so stressed and busy? Probably because the day of I am making cookies galore and popcorn ball snacks. That just sitting there, not being able to be completed yet, is giving me anxiety. (Note: I really need to get to the doctor about that OCD). But I did buy all the ingredients already, so maybe that could calm my nerves a bit?

I am still debating if I want us to go to Zoo Boo. I want to, but I am feeling stressed, and that would alleviate a little of it. I am going to have to make a decision by next weekend, so we'll see.

Roland and I decided to go to Morro Bay for our anniversary coming up November 3. I can't believe we have already (almost) been married three years. My, oh my, how time does fly! I found a really cute little (by that, I mean 16 rooms) hotel, right on the beach, for a really (REALLY!) great price. My mom is going to keep Kaleb for the day/night/next day so we can do this. I am really pumped. We haven't been out of town together since December 2007!! Nonsense! We really need to start leaving town more often.

We have three more birthdays this month, all in the next 2 weeks. I already got the gift for one, but really need to jump on it for the other two.

Kaleb has been in a great mood lately. We are pretty sure we are done teething (praise the Lord!!) and you can definitely tell it in his mood. He finally said "Mama". But I made the mistake of telling him one day if he was acting up, then mean mama would come, and today...he called me mean mama. I can't win in the mama department that's for sure! He has been talking a lot more lately and it's so fun to hear his little voice. My favorite word he says is "cars" when we play with his cars. He annunciates it so well!

Well hopefully I can take a chill pill and calm down a bit. The weather is helping because it makes me so happy to not be hot all the time. Roland is going to be working a lot the next two weeks, but if I can just get through that, it will smooth sailing and then off to Morro Bay!

"I used to have a handle on life..but it broke."

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