Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Photo Shoot!

Kaleb got home from Gigi's house today and had to go for his walk he does every week when he gets home. We walk around the condo complex and pick flowers, chase kitties, and listen to goo goo's (dog's) bark. Daddy is normally the one to go, but I decided to go today, and took along the camera. We sat on a big rock and played with tree bark. It was good fun. I got some really great pictures, and wanted to share! Enjoy!

"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature."

playing with his flowies

taking it all in

my handsome man

tree bark makes for excellent fun

1 comment:

violet @aviolettintedlife said...

your son is so cute! I see that your a stay at home mommy like Iam. We are blessed :)