Today Daddy was supposed to work a double shift, so Kaleb and I went over to Grandpa and Gigi's house. Well just about the time Kaleb went down for his nap Daddy called and said he didn't have to work anymore. We told him just to come over because we were going to bbq hamburgers and hang out. While Grandpa bbq'd and Gigi finished up dinner in the kitchen, Daddy and Kaleb decided running in the sprinklers sounded like a good idea. I thought Kaleb would have fun...but I didn't think he would find it nearly as exciting as he did. I love seeing him that excited and happy. It makes me happy to see him happy, but it also makes me feel so very young again to get excited over something like water. I was glad that Roland was there to share in the fun because truth is, sometimes he misses out. It was a great (and yummy!) afternoon.
"Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do."
I have an amazing husband that I can honestly say is my soul mate and my better half. We are parents to a wonderful two and half year old, Kaleb, and a beautiful newborn baby girl, Gracie. I was born to be a wife and a mommy. I am crafty. I am passionate about everything I do and everyone I love. I love reality tv, flip flops and Edward Cullen.
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