Daddy has a three day weekend starting tomorrow and Buggie is going over to Gigi and Grandpa's house tomorrow about noon until Wednesday morning. I know he will be very excited because last week he didn't get to go on his normal day or for the normal amount of time, and he really enjoys going over there. I will get caught up on laundry and relax some while he is gone, and I am sure I will miss him like crazy! I think Wednesday we are going to go to the waterpark and it will be Kaleb's first time...and from the whole waterhose experience today, I think he will like it!
Not too much else going on. Just relaxing and trying to stay cool. We went to the Zoo with Kaleb's cousin, Julius on Tuesday and that was a lot of fun. They ran all over that place!
I have started buying Kaleb's winter clothes. I was really excited because I have been on Ebay a lot lately and I search for new clothes with tags and I got a really great deal on some shirts and sweaters for Bug. I have a couple bids going on right now for shoes for him, so hopefully I win!
Hope everyone has a good week. Enjoy the pictures from today.
"People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy."
note: obviously this person never lived in Fresno!
feels so good..

want some, mom?


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