a "Man Cave".
A place for all the body functions, yelling and swinging bats..with a little mini fridge full of juice & snacks! (and a beer or two for Daddy..) I never thought, when I found out I was having a boy, that being the only girl in a house of three would make a difference. Oh boy, does it! They think farting is funny...my 15 month old son laughs when he farts! That is not funny! And then there's the burping, the yelling at the tv (yes, this has already started), the hitting everything and everyone with any bat he can find. By the way, who is buying him all these bats?! I haven't purchased one...and at this point, I am never going to! I have three bruises on my leg from being beat by my 15 month old!
He eats dirt, sticks, chalk, and anything else he can get his hands on. He yells at me when I say no, and if I say no again..well he just yells louder! I can't wait until he is potty-trained and I get to find little presents in the toilet because he doesn't want to flush!
So I am going to make a "Man Cave". Behind the couch seems like a great space because he goes back there all the time to do his "business" (if you get what I mean) anyways! I am thinking a little tent should do the trick...and that's where they can be "banished" to!
Meanwhile, I think I'll go have a mani-pedi and a glass of wine!
Here's Kaleb...going in to hit me with the bubble blower!! Everything is a weapon against the woman that says "no."

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