Wednesday, August 25, 2010

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I know I am normally "wordless" on Wednesdays, but this Wednesday is probably my last blog for a bit.  Tomorrow I go in for my c-section, and I have so many feelings going on right now, I can't even begin to put them into words.  Funny thing is, the main thing I am dealing with today, is dropping off Kaleb at my mom's.  I have an appointment at 2:30, so I am dropping him off right before that.  I'll see him Friday when my mom brings him by the hospital, but then won't see him again until we come home.  I can't even talk about dropping him off without crying.  But I know we are doing the right thing by him being there with my parents and sister for this.  They are who he is with most, besides us, and where I know he will feel most at home.  This is definitely not the thing I thought would be bothering me the most.  Oh, and don't worry about the little 2 year old.  He is very much excited to go to "Gi's house" and says that when we come home with Gracie, he is changing diapers!  We'll see how he feels about that after she's home! 

So for my "wordless" part of Wednesday, I want to show my babies.  For Kaleb, who will forever be my baby.  He taught me how to be a mom and I am a better person because of him.

And for Gracie.  We can't wait to meet our little princess!  I'm sure God has great plans for her to change my life just as much as Kaleb has!

1 comment:

Jennifer Huerta said...

Yay! Congrats, Morgan!