Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After slowly falling apart for a couple of weeks, our life is coming back together, and it's seriously better than ever!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 30 week check-up and finally got the date for my c-section! Woohoo! Gracie Noelle Muniz will be born (unless she decides to come earlier) on August 26, 2010. Coincidentally, my mom and dad's Wedding anniversary! I also found out that I passed my glucose tolerance test. I don't know if I mentioned it on here, but I failed the one hour and had to do the three hour. They took my blood four times, and only once came back high (you need two to fail)..so I was cleared. I also found out that I have only gained eleven pounds so far. Considering I am 30 weeks today, I think that's amazing! I also scheduled our 4-D Ultrasound for Monday afternoon. I haven't seen baby girl since, I believe Week 15, so I am over the moon. And in 4-D?! We still have Kaleb's, so I am happy to be doing it again. Kaleb still looks so much like that sweet little boy in my tummy, so it will be amazing to get a peek at our little Gracie. I also chose her pediatrician, and got that all situated.

Now that we have a date it is awesome, because there is an end in sight, but scary, because there is stuff to be done! I need to get Gracie's mattress next because then I can put the crib back together. Other than that, the only thing I feel like we "need" is a swing. We didn't have one with Kaleb, and really want one this time around. I am trying to hold off until my baby shower. That's another thing coming in a few weeks, so I need to get everything done for that. It's fun helping plan it.

Since finding out Roland got his job back, there has come some calm in knowing that we won't be moving. It seems like everything is coming back together and it's really comforting.

Here's to the next two months! I'm certainly enjoying the calm before the storm!

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