Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Favorite (Pregnancy Edition!)

This week's favorite only applies to preggo's.  But, I know that a couple of my readers are preggo, so here goes!

My favorite place to shop for maternity clothes is Target!  Of course, right?  But seriously.  The Liz Lange Maternity line is SO chic, SO well priced, and fits SO perfect!  I loved it when I was pregnant with Kaleb and I love it even more for their summer clothes.  I have also been pretty lucky to pick up a cute tank or two on clearance for (gasp!) a mere six dollars a tee!  Today, while at Target with my Mom, she bought me a great new summer dress that I just love.  The picture doesn't quite do it justice, but let me also point out that the straps can be tucked in and won't mess the dress up at all to be worn as a strapless.  It also came in a gray color, but the denim is much more versatile, in my opinion.

So, get to Target you fellow preggo's, and get yourself a cute new dress...courtesy of Liz Lange!

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