Friday, February 12, 2010

What's in a name?

Naming a child is so darn hard!  Roland and I had a really tough time naming Kaleb, and when it came down to it, Kaleb was the only thing we could agree on.  The "K" versus "C" was easy, because my middle name starts with a "K" and so does my mother's maiden name.  Then he got Roland's middle name, so it made it a good solid name that meant something to both of us.

Now we have to do it again?!  We have started looking at names early again this time, because let's face it, it's going to take a while.  We also aren't finding out the gender, so we have to come up with a boy name AND a girl name!  It's funny because all the names we thought we liked with Kaleb are all out the window now.

Another thing that is throwing us for a loop is some of the girl names that we really like are names of children that we know.  Yes, I know there have to be more than one person in the world with a name, but sometimes people get offended when you name your child the same name as theirs.   We were talking last night and decided that were going to go with whatever we like.  If someone we know just happens to have that same name, oh well.  When we were pregnant with Kaleb, before we found out we were having a boy, we had a girl name picked out, and one of our friends had a baby and named her the name.  At the time, we were irritated, but we had a boy, and that's the end of that.  But now I don't want to think, oh, I won't do that because so and so named their child that.  I want to name my child want I want.

The other night I was talking to a fellow preggo online and she was debating changing the name she has had picked out forever, because her family didn't approve.  Screw them, I say!  It's your child, name it what you want!  So, I'm taking my own advice.  


1 comment:

Hi, I'm Caitlin! said...

I totally agree, lady! Name the baby what you want! We had a lot of pressure with naming Hallie, and I'm pretty sure we finally decided on a name that WE liked when I was 38 weeks pregnant (We even had letters already hanging on the walls - Oops!). Can't wait to hear your name choices!