Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy February!

This is going to be a good month...I can just feel it.  Don't you love when you have a positive attitude?  I must admit, a lot of the time, I can be a "Debbie-Downer".  I have some serious anxiety/obsessive compulsive issues that sometimes keep me from basking in the moment.  But for some reason, all I can think about is how much I am looking forward to this month.

This Sunday (yes, Super Bowl Sunday), Kaleb and I, along with my sister and mom, are going to see Disney on Ice.  I am beyond excited for this.  I am very much a Disney child, and had Kaleb's collection started long before he was born.  The show coming is called World of Fantasy and it happens to have Kaleb's current favorite and mine and my mom's all-time favorite's in the line-up.  World of Fantasy features Cars (Kaleb), The Little Mermaid (myself), Tinkerbell (mom's), and The Lion King (who doesn't love Simba?).  I ordered us all a shirt from The Disney Store, and Sunday can't come soon enough.  I am even more excited that we are going on Super Bowl Sunday.  As many of you know, I can't stand football, so Roland is excited to watch the game without me asking "is it over yet?", and I am excited to be doing anything other than watching football.

Then I have my next doctor's appointment for BabyLove early next week, followed up by a Valentine's Day weekend.  Yesterday Roland and I went shopping and got Kaleb's little present all wrapped up for him.  I just need to get an hour or so to myself this coming week to get what I want for Roland.  Pretty sure I know what Roland is getting for me, pretty sure he is amazing, and pretty sure it has to do with this post.  The reason I am pretty sure is that I get to order it later this week.  I have actually decided on a different bag than I normally wrote about, because it's one that Roland wants to get for me.  I love it, and to be honest, if he wants to pick out one he likes for me, it means more anyways.

The main thing I am excited for this month is my first trimester will come to an end!  This is awesome on so many levels.  I am hoping *fingers crossed* that my energy will be back in the coming weeks.  I am happy just to be out of the "danger-zone" of pregnancy.  All in all, I just have to be thankful.  I haven't been nearly as sick as I was with Kaleb.  I only lost 4 pounds first trimester, versus with Kaleb losing about 12.  I am still having a hard time cooking, but I am finding ways around it.  I am also extremely happy that I have been able to shut my mind off at night and get to sleep at a decent hour, along with taking naps most days.  It's really nice to be somewhat enjoying a pregnancy.  Some days are hard, and I know in the end, things are going to be really tough.  But for now, I am just going to enjoy it.

"Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us."


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