Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Better Than A New Pair of Shoes!

We all know how women and their shoes are.  I have come to realize I have enough shoes!  The only pair I really could use are some pointy toed black leather pumps...but really now..when am I going to need those?  I just got an awesome pair of knee high boots for Christmas, so I believe I am set.  But you know what I need?
edit:  yes, I meant to say NEED!
I was watching QVC the other night and I saw a purse I just had to have!  Mind you, it sold out in minutes, and I wasn't one of the lucky to get one, but oh, I have not given up.  You see, a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned to Roland that I wanted a Coach diaper bag by the time the new baby gets here.  The only problem is I haven't been able to find the one that I want anywhere.  Yes, I know I have plenty of time, but I can't even figure out how much it costs.  I had pretty much given up on it by the time I saw....
The Wonder Duck!
I am IN LOVE!  I have always been a Dooney fan over Coach, but I didn't think that I would find a bag large enough in the Dooney line.  I want the brown and yellow, and I will stop at nothing until I get it (insert evil laugh here).  But honestly, it's probably about two hundred dollars less expensive than the Coach bag, so Roland, I'm sure, is thrilled about that.  I don't expect it any time soon..just by September 1, please.  I think it would make a marvelous Mother's Day gift!


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