Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prayers Please & Thank You

I am asking my blog followers to please keep the Muniz Family in your prayers for the next couple of weeks.  This time every year Roland starts a new shift at his job and it is the shift that he will have until next January.  This year we really went out on a ledge and decided that the graveyard shift just might fit our family well.

The first two years that Roland worked at the JJC, he was on swing shifts, 2pm to 10pm.  He liked that shift, but once we had Kaleb, it didn't fit too great with our schedule.  This past year he worked the morning shift, 6am to 2pm.  While it fit our schedule right, it has really worn him out because he is definitely not a morning person and finds it very hard to get to sleep early at night.

So we thought long and hard, and decided that a graveyard shift might fit just right.  We have one car, so this will free the car up for myself and Kaleb the entire day.  Roland will sleep until about the time that he currently gets home from work, so Kaleb's "Daddy time" won't get messed up.  The hardest part is going to be his sleeping schedule getting adjusted.  Yesterday I went and purchased black-out curtains for our bedroom, and also some earplugs so that Roland can sleep in the daytime without hearing the Kaleb madness (hopefully).

So this is why I ask your prayers.  Pray for our entire family to adjust well to this change.  Pray for Roland to have the strength to get his schedule changed around.  And please pray that we might have finally found the schedule that works well for our family!


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