9. the decorations everywhere. i love all the wreaths around town, the lights everywhere..it just puts you in a better mood.
8. the fact that i can turn on my tv at any given time, and i will probably be able to find "The Santa Clause" (circa 1994/tim allen version). this is one of my fav's and i honestly think my dad looks like tim allen, so that cracks me up every time!

7. the smell in the air. it's just that december smell. it must be all the fireplaces being used and the christmas trees on the streets.
6. my socks fit right in. i wear christmas socks all year long..so this month, i don't look like all my other socks were dirty and that's all i had left!
5. people are actually nice. for some reason during december, pedestrians actually get to cross the street without waiting for 2085972097 cars to pass by first. the lady in front of you might notice you only have one item, and she'll let you go first. sadly, this kind of attitude comes to an end right about december 24..
4. you can find anything you need on sale at some point in this month. 'nuff said!

3. i can dress my kid up ridiculously and it's almost cute. i'm only going to get away with it for a few more years..must soak it in as much as possible.

2. the food.
1. christmas...duh!

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