Friday, November 6, 2009

the new blog

If you're reading this, then you can see that I have changed it up a bit. I decided that I wanted to make this blog, not so much just about Kaleb, but about myself as a mom, a wife, and the crafty, wine-loving, DVR-crazed, Twilight reading (obsessed) woman that I am. I am pretty sure if you are reading this, then you know me pretty well already, so there will not be a need for a further intro.

Today I had a hay-day on Joann's website! I knew they had garland for sale ($3.00 each!!) and I have been wanting to get some. Last year we didn't have stairs, and where we live now, we have a really awesome staircase that is just screaming for Christmas decorations. So I got plenty of garland and some red and gold beaded garland for the tree. I cannot wait to put up my Christmas decorations this year. Last year my sister got me a new tree decoration that is about 3 feet tall and made out of red Christmas ornaments. My mom also got me a Nativity set and I haven't even taken it out of the package! I need to order a new bookcase though because I don't really have anywhere to set up my Nativity set. I have also been wanting a new bookcase, so now I have a reason to get one! I really am just too excited for Christmas, but I can't help it. It is my favorite time of year, and I like to make it last as long as possible!

I look forward to this being a blog about myself. I love talking about Kaleb, so he will be sure to a popular topic..but I have plenty of other things to talk about as well!

"I believe in fairy tales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
and I believe in Peter Pan and miracles, and anything I can to get by..
and fireflies."

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