I decided that I would give it another go at this blogging thing. Even if no one reads it, I think I want to have something for myself to get out there what is going on with Bug and our family.
Well, it has been about 10 months since I last posted, so this is basically starting anew! Kaleb is 15 months and 3 days. He is a little man, and the cutest little man ever! He is walking (he started at about 13 months), he has his four top teeth, four bottom teeth and two top molars are coming through right now. He eats EVERYTHING! No, seriously. Okay, everything except eggs. Words that he says regularly are dog, duck, dad(a), hot, up...oh, and mama when he is mad and feels like yelling!
In February of this year we moved into a bigger place. Once the toys got bigger (right about Christmas time), we ran out of space...fast! We are in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo and we love it! We will probably be here for a while because it really is a great set up for us.
Life as parents has been very educational and immensely rewarding. When I read my old blogs I saw and remembered how Kaleb didn't used to be with Roland. That was a hard time...but you will be glad to know, that time is long gone! Kaleb would prefer to be with Daddy over Mommy these days. Mommy gets the toddler tantrums and Daddy gets the kisses. We still have Kaleb on basically the same schedule as he has been on since he was five months old, which is nice. It is a great routine, but I think that it might have to change soon, and we are anxious about that. Bug is starting to fight his bedtime about every other night...even if he is tired. So, we are considering moving it to eight versus seven. Considering..not ready to try it yet...
Kaleb never adjusted to the cow's milk formula and was on soy formula until just about a month ago. He is now drinking soy milk, but he isn't having any issues with yogurt, cheese, etc. so he is getting his calcium and fats that he needs from those foods.
Well, I really am going to try to keep up with this from here on out. This year has already brought changes for our family with the move and a few other small things, and I am sure 2009 has a few more surprises in store that I would like to keep track of.
Happy reading!
(enjoy some updated pictures of Kaleb!)

Bug playing with Mommy's phone.

Bug dancing at Shaver Lake.
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