Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tis the Season...wait, it's not Christmas?

There is Christmas music playing in the stores and the chill is finally in the Fresno air. You know that means I did some Christmas shopping today! (and yesterday..)

I did my bi-weekly Target shopping yesterday and checked out the holiday department. I got some really awesome decorations and for really great prices. I seriously can hardly wait to decorate this year. Last year I really tried for Kaleb, but this year, he really is going to appreciate it, so that makes me want to do so much more! I have all the decorations that I want for now. I just have to get to Lowe's or Home Depot tomorrow to get a mantle for our fireplace. Who the heck has a fireplace without a mantle? We do..but not after tomorrow! I also went to the ninety-nine cent store today and found some awesome ribbon to go with my garland on the banister.

FYI Parents with a child that like to color..the ninety-nine cent store has AWESOME coloring books. Not random stuff like, dinosaurs (nothing against dinosaurs) or kids you have no idea who you are coloring..but those coloring books that run for about $4.00 at Target with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, My Friends Tigger & Pooh and a lot of other Disney characters. My mom picked up some regular ones for her house and I got some Christmas themed ones.

I also got my Thanksgiving grocery shopping done today. I feel a weight lifted now that it is done. Now I just have to get some chairs ordered for the extra seating we will need. But that can wait a week so I can get a final head count. I am excited to be hosting Thanksgiving this year. I did it the year we got married (2006) and it turned out awesome. I am very much looking to hosting it with Kaleb. I am making 2 pumpkin pies and a carrot cake that I am very excited about. And I made a turkey before and I am determined to do it again! Hopefully Roland gets to get off work at 2 that day!

I am very much looking forward to both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love seeing Kaleb's face when out of the ordinary things are going on, and I know he is going to love all of it. It is very true that Christmas is so much better through a child's eyes.

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice."

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